First major milestone on today's hike: Coal Creek Falls -- more flow than on Feb. 1
Today's hike had little elevation gain, but I was exhausted when it was over. By the time I got home I just wanted to nap, and I did, for a couple hours.
This was a Snoqualmie Valley Trails Club hike billed as "Waterfalls of Cougar Mountain," but there was only one Waterfall. The weather had warmed up. I overdressed and, at the Sky Country Trailhead, stuffed my jacket into my backpack. Instead of the snow hikes I had been accustomed to, this was a woodland, spring equinox hike, with apparently lots of pollen in the air, because my nose never stopped running. Next time I'll try a pollen mask.
A thin sheen on this pond was trying to decide whether to be snow, ice or water.
Standing over the air shaft of the Primrose Mine
My big treat on this hike was the grate we came upon toward the end, as pictured above. Some people were confident enough to gingerly walk out on it. They were staring down the airshaft of The Primose (coal) Mine, dating to the 19th Century. The Primrose operated for 100 years, closing in the 1960s. I was aware that some areas can be a little dangerous to hike through due to old mine shafts. This one was definitely safe, with the re-bar grate, but it was a sobering look downward. There's a kiosk next to the shaft with lots of information. You can save the photo, enlarge it with a viewer, and read at least some of the notes about the Primrose.
A peek at the size of the shaft
A large park at the Pergola overlook of Lake Sammamish -- where we had lunch.
The kiosk at the Primrose Mine Air Shaft
Statistics for the day:
Distance: 8 miles
Elevation gain: 1,000 feet.
Location: Cougar Mountain
Conditions: Warm, clear skies, snow moments, occasional mud
Load: 14 pounds
Statistics, year to date:
Distance: 59.7 miles
Elevation gain:17,730 feet

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