Monday, July 22, 2019

Mount Fremont Lookout Trail, Mount Rainier

The view that  greeted me as I began my ascent

Today I rose relatively early and headed out for Mount Rainier's Sunrise visitor area, where I parked the Fit and set out for what would become a hike to the Mount Fremont Lookout. Starting about 11:30 a.m. at approximately an elevation of 6,350  feet, I hiked to the lookout in about 2 hours and returned at 2.45 p.m., just a little longer than the projected 3.5 hour round trip (as indicated on a sign near the trailhead).

One purpose of the hike was to evaluate camping possibilities. I found that, unlike on the weekends, there are likely to be available camp sites during the week.

There were times when I was winded from the combination ascent and elevation, but I surprised myself and was able to make the lookout with plenty of time to spare. The day was comfortably warm with occasional cool alpine breezes. I wore a balaclava in lieu of sun block and forgot to spray my hands to protect from biting insects.

Much of the trail involved a gentle ascent, as indicated in the photo below.

Much of the trail was exposed. Although the ground was hard, it was not uncomfortable.

After following a rather straight trail toward Frozen Lake (the park's water source, apparently), I came to the ascent toward the lookout. Off to the left was an expansive view of valley and mountain.

End of the trail -- the Fremont Lookout

Flowers I passed on the descent

This appeared to be a shallow pika's tunnel, a stone's throw from Frozen Lake.

A desiccated wooden critter sun bathing beside the path

An accidental selfie

Statistics for the day:
Distance: 5.6 miles
Conditions: Clear
Load: 17 pounds
Elevation gain: 900 feet

Statistics, year to date:
Distance: 204 miles 
Elevation Gain: 63,528 feet
Next Goal: 70,000 feet, my Fifth Rainier. 6,472 feet to go.

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