Monday, May 6, 2019

First summit of Mt. Si in 2019; map of Mt. Si trails

A tree had fallen over the trail and park maintenance sectioned the pieces.

Finally, I summited Mount Si. It is only a little more than a month until Roger Matthews and I will be taking a run at Mount Adams. Roger plodded at slightly under a mile an hour, but he was pleased that he made it, and is confident that one last climb of Adams is within his reach.

I carried very little -- only 10 pounds at most in a backpack. I treated this as a toning hike, but not a conditioning hikes. Those will follow. What I wanted from Mount Si today was the sense that I could go the distance.

I took altitude measures at specific landmarks, using my GPS software:
3,740 feet elevation at the lookout near the summit
3,444 feet at the 3.5 mile marker
2,559 feet at the "hitching rack"
2,326 feet at the two-mile notch marker in a tree near a switchback
1,673 feet at the "snack bar"
1,548 at the link-up for the Douglas Fir Trail
587 feet at the trailhead.

Trillium, near summit
Statistics for the day:
Distance: 8 miles
Conditions: Clear skies, cool and warm, depending
Load: barely 10 pounds
Elevation gain: 3,150 feet

Statistics, year to date:
Distance: 130.5 miles
Elevation Gain: 41,110 feet
Next Goal: 43,233 feet (third Rainier)

Trails on Mount Si

Today's route (Map My Hike)

A rotting tree stump

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