Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Christ Our Hope Catholic Church

Monday, actually. I'm writing this after midnight.
Walked to Kaiser Permanente for my daily radiation, then to Broadway on Capitol Hill to deliver meals. On to Lost Lake Cafe for breakfast and to check it out as a place to direct people trying to stay warm at night, and then home. 2.3 miles.

In the late afternoon, down Madison to Bartells to purchase some Whitman's chocolates for the medical team. Then to Christ Our Hope Catholic Church for a meeting on possibly setting up a Web site for the homeless. Back home by way of AMC theaters. 3.4 miles.

Energy level not bad, but I didn't try the steepest streets. I will be doing more of this now that my radiation treatments have one more day to go.

This is the first good hiking I've done since March 8.
Total for the day: 5.7 miles, 9.12 km
Total for the year: 110.32 km

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week of March 6

March 6:
To the waterfront.
At about 8:30 p.m. I set out with four sack lunches in my backpack and no particular destination, with Ivar's Fish Bar being a possibility. I ambled my way to Broadway and Pine, giving two lunches to a young couple in a doorway; then meandered to Madison, heading for the bridge to the ferry terminal, where I left a sack lunch with a man sleeping on a chair next to a pile of belongings that dwarfed him; from there to the stairway that leads from the front of the terminal to the sidewalk and on to Ivar's Fish Bar; and from there, home.

The Seattle wheel, just off Alaskan Way.

Tonight, the salmon chowder was delicious.

At the start of the hike I felt energized. At the end I wondered whether I would be able to make it up Madison. I'm not sure whether it's the radiation treatments or the hormone suppressant, or just sitting around too much, but I was exhausted as I climbed the grade from the freeway to Boren. I had to pause a couple times. Once at the top I was able to make good time.
Total: 4 miles, 6.4 km.
For the year:  93.52 km

March 8: 
Three mini hikes to accommodate my fatigue: Kaiser Permanente for daily radiation and consult;  Italian Family Pizza for meetup; Ivar's Fish Bar for distance and elevation, stopping at H&R Block along the way for income taxes.
Map My Hike program showed trip to fish bar being 1.59 miles one way; Google said it was 1.4, making the Google figures 88% of the MMH figures. I'm using Google's figures and trying to arrive at a constant fraction to apply to MMH, to give me a more credible figure.
Enroute home from the fish bar I had to stop for breath before 4th Avenue. I crossed the street and sat in the Seattle Library. Radiation may be causing my fatigue, according to the consult  with my radiologist. He said continued moderate exercise was advisable.
Total: 4.8 miles; 7.68 km.
For the year: 101.2 km