Saturday, February 10, 2018

Snow Dust on Tiger, Feb 10, 2018

Frost and frosty snow limned trees' needles and leaves on Tiger 3 today.

Tiger Mountain was icy cold when I exited my Honda Fit this morning. The cold cut through my safari pants, but before long the hike and warmed me up. I made it to the summit today, reaching the top in less than two hours and  descending in about one hour. After the two-mile point I began to see snow residue along the trail.

Distance: 3 miles
Elevation gain: 2,000 feet.
Weight: negligible.
Distance year to date: 12 miles
Elevation gain year to date: 3,965 feet.

Snow-dusted salal

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Hike #2 for 2018

Map of hike to 2.2 mile mark

I was tired today and the hike was more of an effort than last time. I think it was due to too little sleep.
I hiked a total of 4.8 miles. Map My Hike seemed remarkably accurate for distance, but off for elevation by approximately 90 feet going up. I gained 1,350 feet in elevation. I wore rain pants and perhaps an 8 pound backpack. There was no rain. My right hip hurt on the descent, in which I relied on trekking poles.

Statistics for the  year:
Distance: 9 miles
Elevation gain year to date: 1,965 feet.