Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 20, Sunday, Madison Park

Round trip = 8.57 km

Weight: 23# backpack with 2 5-pound weights; 20# weight vest; 3# in sweated clothing, jacket and fly fishing jacket. So: packing 45 pounds.
Elevation gain: 500 feet*
Accumulation elevation gain for 2016: 12.774 feet.
Accumulated distance hiked: 113.77 km
Note: Wore rain slacks with large binder clips to keep the pants in place. Worked well. Recorded with Gaia, which promptly discarded the information because I didn't mail it to myself right away.

* Elevation gains are estimated; May My Hike highly variable and unreliable for elevations, so I made conservative estimates based on how I followed the lay of the land.

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